When Nursery Rhyme Characters Sue
Updated: We wish to report on the current class-action lawsuit brought by many well-known nursery rhyme characters against various companies and individuals. These beloved literary figures are seeking compensation for injuries incurred fulfilling their roles in promoting children’s poetic literature. Read here.
A clever post!
You asked...
"Do you think political correctness and frivolous lawsuits are out of control?"
Yes, I do. To me a lot of things seem to be upside down, backward or both.
Things that really matter don't count any more and most things are politically incorrect. What is 'politically correct' supposed to mean anyway??? Is there even such a thing in reality?
It is ridiculous what people sue over and win their law suit now days. Something needs to change in my opinion.
Tee hee - about time someone took the time to investigate these troubling cases. Especially Humpty Dumpty is suspicious! Sue him! Sue, I say!
This post had me giggling from the very first letter. Thanks for the laughs!
Hillarious! Somwhere in the downtown condo, I have a book of politically correct Christmas stories.
OK. That's it. I've been raving about your writing for several days and I am sending this to my husband right now so he can see what I'm talking about.
And this, my good man, is exactly what I'm talking about. Humor, sarcasm and current issues all rolled into one cleverly crafted gem of a post.
You totally honor me by linking to my little Alphabe-Thursday meme.
Thank you.
These are so funny, and yet...there seem to be real lawsuits with equal amounts of ridiculousness around. It's sad. But I appreciate your clever post. It made me smile!
I think you have a clever streak. Mr. Nick from "over there" who currently lives "here"...as evidenced by the funny comment you left on my blog. I like what you have written here. I left a reply for you on mine.
Oh I loved this :-) Yes I do feel political correctness and lawsuits are out of control, along with "Elf n' safety"
You are so clever, Nick, what a wonderously witty post! Thanks for kicking my Sunday off to a great start, I'm still smiling as I type! (Which has caused a muscle strain that may need litigation to compensate..)
I had to check you out after you commented on my blog am glad I did!
Loved your humorous take on the nursery rhymes.
I will be back!
WONDERFUL!!! Clever and original!!
Thanks for the fun
A lot of work must have gone into this post, really enjoyed it.
Hi Nick~
Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for dropping by my blog on Friday. Nice to meet ya.
This post is faaaabulous! Clever, original, and genius! Funny, yet also very spot on about political correctness.
Loved Humpty Dumpty - HA!
Okay, this was just awesome. I have an attorney friend or two I need to send this to... LOL.
I realize their was real intent to showcase how frivolous lawsuits can be and examining political correctness, but this was just so funny! Your wit astounds me.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
very funny :-)
Kizzer and Telle?!!!! Oh boy, thanks for the laughter! This was GREAT. I don't know how I haven't found your blog before today. New follower here. Thanks so much for stopping by mine, as well.
Looking forward to reading more. I love snark!
You have a wild and wonderful mind. Thanks for the laughs.
These are all so funny. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for reminding me that I need legal counsel at all times.
Ha, ha! These are hilarious. It's too true--we've become befuddled in so much legal jargon in a lot of ways.
Thanks for leaving a comment about my vlog so that I could find you over here. It's great here! And BTW, I don't think we'll be seeing an increase of vlogging vs. blogging any time soon--most of us (me included) are too shy to film ourselves very often.
Stopping by to say how nice it was to meet you the other day - I really appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.
A great post. Is Political correctness out of control? Yes. I had to laugh that we are not allowed to sing black sheep in BAA BAA, it's now a rainbow sheep.
These were all so clever. I especially loved the letter regarding Humpty Dumpty. Thanks for the laugh!
Have you ever read 'The Big Over Easy'??
No. But I just checked it out. See what you mean. LOL
I especially like the names of the law firms :)
Too funny! And so true. I am all for us not insulting people or being cruel but the political correctness is getting on my nerves!
This is such a clever and funny post. I love it!
LOL!!!!!!!!! I'm litterallly i awe of your writing.. im sooo your newest fan..im glad you found me!!!
I love this! Miss Muffet's trauma was really quite dramatic, poor thing! And Mr. Dumpty? Well, I hope he has learned his lesson!
Great stuff, here. I'll be back!
"Barr, Barr, Barr & Sons"
Best laugh of my day, thus far.
Well, now! If I'd had an inkling of your sparkling sense of humour, I might not have been so quick to replace the receiver in its cradle all those years ago! Hehehe! Goodness knows how you found me again!! ( I jest!) LOL :)
Hi Nick .. thanks for coming by my blog and as someone else said .. I wouldn't be here either .. except for your entry into my world .. great to meet you ..
I love the Nursery Rhyme Characters .. such fun and I shall be reading them again ...
Delightful writing .. so no wonder you've had some success ..
Have a great week .. Hilary
I hear that the Politically Correct Nazis are campaigning against all instances of "black" and "white" which ALWAYS in their demented heads carry gharrrrrstly racist overtones. Too right, I say! All piano keys should be grey . . . . or some other politically correct colour, magnolia or beige . . . .
It's only a matter of time :p Just wait until you get a letter indicting you for publishing client-confidential information like this... ;)
What a delightful post!! Had me laughing from the very beginning!
Congrats on your POTW!
Are you sure you weren't trained to be a lawyer?
You've got it so right.
congrats on POTW
Wow very creative and funny too.
Congrats on POTW
Lawsuits and threats of lawsuits are the normal these days. What did people do before all the lawyers needed bigger houses?
Congrats on POTW on Hilary's blog.
lol! Very Funny! Congrats!
LMAO Nick! Guess Jack will be filing a lawsuit against a candle company in the near future. ;-)
Ha! Most excellent. Thanks for the laugh (I *really* needed it at this precise moment).
Brilliant!! I have really enjoyed reading your post so thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
LOL- very cute.
Hi Nick. Thanks for visiting my blog!
I thoroughly enjoyed these PC legal letters... I have to say, the 'mature avian embryo' has just got me laughing out loud in front of my screen!!!
Dear Nick,
Thanks for visiting my little blog and yes you are correct...they do come home for worms quite often ;-)
Loved this post and will be passing it on tho my eldest son, who is by profession a stand-up comedian. I know he will appreciate the creative humor.
Happy Halloween!
Janet xox
Yeah..I know, there is no 'h' in the word 'to'
Janet xox
Terrific and well-written. Mostly importantly, very timely. Love your tongue-in-cheek humor, I'll be back and thanks for visiting my blog.
I'm so glad you came by with the "college tuition" addition (of course, why didn't I think of that?). I love your seriously silly blog and am a new follower.
Love this!
Awesome! Reminds me of the legal version of the Night Before Christmas that I've seen around for some years..."Whereas, on or about the night prior to Christmas, there did occur at a certain
improved piece of real property (hereinafter "the House") a general lack of
stirring by all creatures therein, including, but not limited to a mouse."
I've just popped across from Theresa's Halloween Haunting - a bit of light relief always comes in welcome and this is fun.
(Previous comment deleted because of bad formatting.)
Clever!!might happen too....
But seriously, only in my adulthood did I stop to think how gruesome the Three Blind Mice rhyme was.
So funny! I like Humpty Dumpty the best. :)
What a fun post! Thanks for the giggles!
-Lady Fromage
Nick, these are great! What a wonderfully imaginative writer you are. I'm following and will be back.
Thanks for the giggle, that rebel, Olivia
If I'm ever in the need of an attorney I'm hiring you! Glad you put these silly stories to rest and made them accountable for their actions!
Now you have a great mind here Nick. Crazy yet sane - like me.
omg--lol! Good stuff here~
hubs is an atty & would appreciate much of this. Esp. the use of "nit wits." He says that a lot... :D
Happy Halloween! (over from Theresa's)
This, Sir Nick, is hereby the funniest post I have read this forthsaid month. I whereby conclude, you are the funniest most interesting writer I have come across, I hereby declare hereto.
Thanks so much for the laughs!
Very clever indeed! With our sue happy society, I wouldn't be surprised to see Mother Goose on the street with a sign that says, "No gander, sued for slander, anything will help!"
P.S. Thanks for stopping by my little blog. It's always nice to see you.
Those are great. Now I can read these to my kids again now that they are grown. They'll love them!
Recycled Politically Correct Nursery Rhymes.
Yes, the political correctness of nursery rhymes has intrigued me at times. What makes things crazy is that in India where I live, they teach these very rhymes to children to help them to learn English when they have no cultural idea what's going on. I remember, when I worked briefly as a teacher, having to explain to a class of pre-nursery babies (3 and a half and over) what precisely Jack and Jill went up the hill and why did they tell a lie when you can't get water up a hill. Not to mention Baa Baa Black Sheep. That was a confusing time for me all right, as a westerner trying to live that down...
very neat! I really enjoyed this.
Hi by the way- I've come to haunt your blog...and follow you around a little winks...
have a great weekend!
This was a fun read. Shows how frivolous lawsuits can be.
Thanks for participating in my Halloween Haunting.
This was very well-done, and downright cute. Congratulations on the post of the week mention over at Hilary's, we can all use more smiles and you certainly provided some good ones.
I've just stopped back to tell you congratulations on POTW!!
Very original post. Great job!
Your blog is well worth discovering. AND following...
You can have a blast with Mother Goose. Nice job again, Nick.
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