Ever had a kidney stone? If you’ve never experienced the agony of a kidney stone, give thanks for your good fortune. At its worst, the intense pain radiates from the lower back to the groin to become utterly debilitating, relieved only by passing the stone or, in the interim, powerful narcotics..... full story in the
Montgomery Advertiser.
Ouch.. there are much better ways to be stoned. ;)
Not for me, thank you very much. That's something I can well do without.
Narcotics are great.
It seems so small to cause so much trouble! I am told that the water in Oregon is high in minerals thus many people living her for long times can get kidney stones. Does that mean we should not drink the water????
My grandfather used to get kidney stones. Very painful.
No and I don't want one - that is the size that cause so much pain?
Seems like such a little thing, but I know how painful it can be. My daughter in law had one several years ago, ouch!
Been there, done that. I've gave birth to three children and I'd rather have another baby than pass a kidney stone. It's awful!!!
I sympathize with you Nick. Drink plenty of water.
Very nasty! Perhaps a glass of negus would help ease the pain?!
I am very grateful to have never experienced that.
I was on a plane once coming home from a vacation in the Caribbean. A guy got on the plane looking like he was about to die. He stood up the whole way leaning over a seat back. When we arrived at a stopover, everyone was asked to keep their seats while he was taken off. They must have given him something for the pain because he was on the next leg of the flight--sitting down this time. He was into only the second day of a cruise when his trouble began. They evacuated him to St Thomas, but were not able to help him there. After a day or 2 they decided to send him home.
Nasty is right... Kidney stones are the most excruciating pain ever!
I would never wish the misfortune of having a kidney stone on anyone...
Nifty post for the letter "N"...
Thanks for linking.
This is cool!
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